Best quotes in 2017

Two years ago I published a post called “Best quotes in 2015”. Let’s update that shit here in order to increase our word count as 2017 is coming to an end. And since I didn’t have such a post for 2016, why not putting shit said last year as well?

西方大愛左膠最愛嘅 unisex toilet,早已在香港的茶餐廳實現 — Aug 2017

想喺公立醫院住一人病房,住ICU咪得 — May 2017. Well I don’t know what are the policies at public hospitals, but I guess you can’t complain too much when you’re in one.

On second thought I’m not calling my son Pierre. I should call him James instead, so when he acts childishly, I can say “C’mon James, 可唔可以成熟少少?” — Feb 2017, when I saw bad-behaving kids at a restaurant.

Me: Perhaps you can show Isabel cartoons which promote friendship.
My sister: Is there any cartoon that doesn’t promote friendship?
— Nov 2017, me suggesting to my sister on how to boost my 3-year-old niece’s social skills.

Had Beethoven not written anything when he composed, you wouldn’t have masterpieces to perform. — Mar 2016, when commenting on @HarryMak not jotting notes as we studied MFDS.

Expert opinion is also evidence-based, even though it’s just in the lowest level of the evidence-based hierarchy. — Mar 2016, also as I prepared for MFDS.

Best quotes in 2015

Year 2015 is coming to an end, and this is another “end of year” series. Well, there’re no lack of “cool lines” I said throughout the years. Sometimes those are so cool that I’d mark that down and review that for my own leisure. This is kind of narcissistic… Anyway these are the coolest lines I’ve said this year.

The official English translation for “拉麵控” is “ramen whore”. — Aug 2015, on my crave for ramen

Display cars are like prostitutes, while second hand cars are like divorced women. — Dec 2015. Disclaimer: I drive a second hand car too.

Decaf 咖啡算唔算係咖啡?當然算,正如紮左嘅男人都射到無精子嘅精 — Dec 2015, when asked if decaffeinated coffee is considered coffee.

我一定要有D distraction 先可以專心 — Jan 2015, in the midst of my MFDS preparation.

“Federer vs Nadal” is like “Windows vs Mac” in the good old days, when the competition was so tense and fierce. “Federer vs Djokovic” is like “Apple vs Samsung” — the competition doesn’t get me as emotional. — July 2015, on Roger Federer’s Wimbledon final against Djokovic

Not all cool lines are my own quotes. Here’re some I appreciate so much:

我好努力去擺脫張志明,最後我發覺,我變左另一個張志明 — 春嬌與志明 (2012)

A picture’s worth a thousand words. Why not add a few more words in the picture, just to increase the word count? Because it looks shit. — Kai Wong, DRTV 2013

So here you are. Best quotes from 2015. Famous people like SJ and Abraham Lincoln got journalists and biographers to record their quotes. For the rest of us, we can only rely on ourselves. What’s the favourite quote of your own?

Poetic touch

Well, I’m quite into adding a poetic touch to my Instagram posts lately. More strangely, it’s done in Chinese. Let’s share some:

Thoughts on iPhone

There hasn’t been anything important in life lately. Lots of things sucked, though, but I’ve learnt to let go of those adversities, or at least not mention them, lest they affect other’s mood. But in just a few hours one of the most exciting events will take place: Apple’s “Wish we could say more” keynote. It’s been rumoured that the latest iPhone as well as an iWatch will be unveiled, so perhaps I should express some of my thoughts here.

First, it’s been said, and even confirmed, that the new iPhones will be bigger — 4.7” and 5.5” to be exact. A lot of Apple fanboys will be so disappointed because Steve Jobs used to say that a phone must be fit for single-hand use. Enlarging the iPhone screen is like hell freezes over.

Well, in Apple’s history there were quite a number of moments when hell froze over: switching to Intel processors, iPods played videos, iTunes worked on Windows, etc.. So it’s not entirely surprising that there would be a larger screen iPhone. I’ve always said when a large screen is coupled with software that is fit for single-hand use, we can have a larger iPhone. And that’s exactly what Apple needs to address in the coming keynote.

Second, it’s about the design, and the design leaks. In the old days Apple was absolutely secretive about their unannounced products. It was quite a big shock when the iPhone 4 got into hands of a Gizmodo editor and got published. Pushing time further back, we see that an old rumour site Think Secret was forced to shut down after publishing rumours about “a new Mac” (which was later identified as the Mac mini). They didn’t even have the pictures of the actual product! People used to joke that those who leak Apple rumours would be executed by Steve Jobs. Well, this is apparently no longer the case. We see Apple product parts on the web a few months before product launch. These days we even see working products (on the contrary back when iPhone 4 was leaked the device couldn’t be switched on, and no one knew about the stunning retina display until Steve announced it). Why does this happen? And on the other side why have we never seen parts of the iWatch? In short, most probably the iWatch isn’t made in China. Yes, the Chinese is the culprit of all the modern day evil.

Aren’t you a Chinese, Kevin? No, I’m not. I’m a global citizen who believes in democracy, equality, freedom and civic responsibility, who happens to live in Hong Kong.

OK, back to talk about Apple. A third thought on the upcoming event is whether the iWatch, or smartwatches, will become a new necessity, a global phenomenon, like the iPod, the iPhone, and the iPad? What I mean is that before the iPod/iPhone/iPad, music players, mobile phones and tablets existed, but it was Apple that reinvented them into something no one could have imagined. Watches have existed for a long long time; smartwatches nowadays basically are useless. Will Apple be able to make smartwatches a new necessity?

This question poses a dilemma. Many think only Steve Jobs, the modern day Thomas Edison, could have done that. If the new Apple can do that too, Steve Job’s legacy would be diminished. But on the other hand, I sure want to see something groundbreaking. After all, if money can buy happiness, why not?

Recap of 2013

Year 2013 is approaching an end, and it’s time to recap our good memories this year. I’ve decided to summarize some of my important quotes for this year.

Most restaurants have vegetarian choices, so it makes perfect sense to have dishes for carnivores at veggie restaurants. — Nov 2013

I’m a curious person – so curious many cats got killed. — Aug 2013

我喺地鐵從來唔讓座 — 或者你可以話我從來都讓座 — 因為我從來都唔坐。 — Aug 2013

By resetting a router digital immigrants already conceive you as an IT expert. — July 2013

每次做完MOS, 都有想抽一口事後煙的衝動。 — Jan 2013

And finally, my favourite:

Those who fail to see the gap should die from natural selection. — July 2013

Cool lines, kooliner

About a year ago, in the midst of my worst sufferings, I said a number of things that I would regret. But at that time I found those lines pretty cool, and I called them “cool lines”. @Johnson then gave me a nickname that I love — kooliner. If you’re not dental enough, you may not understand this. But, well, I really love the fact that I’m a kooliner.

Since those were not moments I’m proud of, let’s not review what cool lines I said at that time. Don’t worry. Given that this site has got 9 years of history, there’re no lack of cool lines. Let’s review some:

“The last place you can find in MK is a quiet one.” 19/11/2012

“In the eyes of the mediocre, only ordinary exists.” 18/11/2011

“Art is subjective, but experience and time make one’s artwork appeal to more people.” 1/9/2009

And of course there’re more. And I’m happy to announce that you can review them now, because our beloved old site is back online. Let’s have some fun!

*   *   *

When it comes to cool lines, there’s of course another person who is a better kooliner than I am — Steve Jobs. Let’s keep this nice commemorate video on this site forever.