Against nature

It’s been a month since 2014 begins; yet we’re close to another new beginning — year of the horse. All these don’t mean much to me. Life sucks anyway: work is busy but unrewarding, my everyday life lacks excitement, … These are just a few of the many setbacks in my life for the past few months. Steve Jobs said if life sucks too many days in a row, it’s time to change something. I think it’s a reasonable time for me to change something now. What should that be?

There was a time when I talked about my boring life with a friend, and got some useful feedback: if you find your life too dull, you either do something more interesting, or adapt to it. You don’t need to accept boredom; instead you should look for those interesting moments out of an otherwise boring life and intensify them. It could be a nice cup of coffee at a so-so restaurant, a pretentious photo you’re able to take at an ordinary place you visit every day (I’m sure the word “pretentious” didn’t come from that friend’s mouth), or even just a “thanks” from a new patient.

Of course, those things are easier said than done. I heard that advice like two or three years ago, but I’m still constantly affected by my mood swings. Worse, I don’t even have the energy to find those extraordinary moments after work. You’ll be surprised how early I go to bed nowadays. I used to go to bed at 2-3 am; now I sleep at 10:30pm. This is against the nature (of K.Chan), but it’s true. I’m officially fucked up.

“A pretentious photo you’re able to take at an ordinary place you visit every day”

Recap of 2013

Year 2013 is approaching an end, and it’s time to recap our good memories this year. I’ve decided to summarize some of my important quotes for this year.

Most restaurants have vegetarian choices, so it makes perfect sense to have dishes for carnivores at veggie restaurants. — Nov 2013

I’m a curious person – so curious many cats got killed. — Aug 2013

我喺地鐵從來唔讓座 — 或者你可以話我從來都讓座 — 因為我從來都唔坐。 — Aug 2013

By resetting a router digital immigrants already conceive you as an IT expert. — July 2013

每次做完MOS, 都有想抽一口事後煙的衝動。 — Jan 2013

And finally, my favourite:

Those who fail to see the gap should die from natural selection. — July 2013