Plans, troubles, way-out

I’ve been thinking a lot lately. Ever since I got rejected for JHDO, I’ve been looking for a job (although not very enthusiastically) and got very troubled. I guess it’s not that I think I’d not get a job, but that the feeling of uncertainties is troubling. Yes, we’re all afraid of uncertainties. That’s why we all try to deal with troubles. Some people resort to escape, hoping that the trouble would somehow go away; others deal with the problem bravely and would try to resolve every trouble until they see light at the end of the dark alley. I’m neither type of persons. I get anxious; but when I get exceedingly anxious, I start to become very annoying (yes, not annoyed). Luckily for me, some people would still listen to me and tell me that I’m very annoying. And from that moment onwards I’ll try to behave. How do I solve the problem? I’ll try my best, and, although I’m not exactly a catholic, I tend to believe that God already has an answer for me. It only matters when I’ll find that answer.

Anyway the best way to deal with emotional ups and downs is to find something else to do. I did exactly that today. I read a journal, and continued processing the photos I took during elective. Well, this time I selected a random day again (rather than continuing working on the photos from CPH). I chose Bergen, another beautiful city we went to. And, this time when I handled the photos, I tried to be a little different. I hope you’ll find that difference.

120229 Bergen Day 1

New iPad, more

Well, I bought The New iPad today. (That’s the official name given by Apple, isn’t it?) I never thought I’d get one, because my iPad 2 is already performing so well. So what’s new? Let me remind you of the facts of my iPad 2 first: white 32GB 3G. My new iPad? White 32GB 3G. So what’s new? Basically I’d say only the retina display is new, because my iPad 2 is still fast, still got sufficient space, is white, … So only the retina display is new. That’s why when it was released in March I never thought I’d get one, but would wait for the fourth gen instead. The turning point was the release of MBP with retina display. I set a new target – I’d “retinalize” my devices asap. Given that the new MBP is crazily expensive, I thought maybe the iPad is a good start especially when I’ve decided that I’d continue to read and read. As I hold one in hand now, I wouldn’t regret. The retina display alone is a very good reason to switch to a new machine. The feeling as I switched from the original iPhone to the iPhone 4 recurred today. And that feeling is great.

Besides adopting the latest technology, I also decided to do something old school lately — write some Chinese. The thing is, for a period of time I found that my competence in Chinese is deteriorating dangerously. Not only is my handwriting poor, but that occasionally I have absolutely no idea how to write a certain words. That’s why I’ve decided I’d handwrite a short Chinese passage every day, which can help me improve both my handwriting and my vocabularies. This is sad, isn’t it? A local student has to go back to square one and practice Chinese handwriting.. But for the sake of my future children, I guess this is a must.

Next, new (old) photos. Well, as I become less occupied lately I have time selecting the best shots taken in my elective trip and upload them. So here’s the second day in Umea. (I know, it’s really long long time ago.) May I?

120221 Umea 2nd day