Photos, JHDO, more

So, how’s this site? I’m proud of that so far; I hope that you love it as much as I do.

I was a bit disoriented for the past few days. I got to work on a number of things, like Gao’s work, preparation for interview, and so on. And the feeling of uncertainty troubled me a lot. But now things are better, for I know that I’m not accepted as a JHDO in OS, so I got to find a job at private practice, which I’ve always thought I’d do after I graduate. So, here I come, 40K.

And as I went back to hall after interview I finally got time to do things that are long overdue: go to gym, organize elective’s photos, and read the job ads. I also paid a visit to my beloved Fusion. Well, I’ve decided I need to visit it more before I move back home. This is especially true given that I’m not accepted as JHDO and shouldn’t come back much to PPDH.

And yes, I’ve uploaded more photos taken in Copenhagen. It’s really a beautiful city. And I highly recommend you guys see my albums.

120304 CPH Day 1

120305 CPH Day 2