A fresh start

This post is published on July 5, 2012. This is a special day because our BDS V finals results are released. Yes, we’ve all become dentists. And I think this day is a right occasion for updating my beloved site, Anzyme. This site has quite a history:

  • opened on February 13, 2003, it has been continuously updated for the past nine years;
  • three revisions in between, with codename “buddy” layout in service since 2005;
  • close to 100,000 visits;
  • recorded our (I mean it, our) daily lives in LSC, HKU, and beyond, …

Many of you may think a new layout with modern web page features, such as search, interaction, tags and RSS is necessary. I agree with this to a great extent. However, I have always had a strong emotional attachment towards the previous system. A simple HTML web page made from scratch means maximum freedom for layout; simple, controllable file system management; and most importantly, the ability to troubleshoot should problems arise. My learning in dental school has really reinforced my belief that if you are not 100% sure about what you’re doing, don’t do it. In fact, even though the previous model enabled most freedom in layout, I abided by strict rules, which is part of the reason contributing to this site’s subtle beauty.

Nevertheless, in light of the revolution happening on the Internet over the past few years, most notably the advent of social networking, the previous model of this site no longer serves the best purpose of information dissemination. Twitter and facebook has replaced this site as the best way to share short, random thoughts and photos. Blogs are only suitable for sharing structured thinking, and memorable events. And honestly, the convenience of facebook and twitter has really diminished my motivation to blog (in the traditional way). It’s time for a radical change in the way I blog.

So this site, powered by WordPress, is the answer to all that. Code-free, online editing, social networking support, convenient search, auto-saving, etc., are all available. It is hoped that with a fresh start of this site, the bits and pieces of my new life as a dentist can be recorded here in this site. Meanwhile, I assure you all that the previous memories recorded by this site will be preserved, as the core idea, the founding idea of this site remains — record my thoughts in plain text.

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