Who are my heroes? (2)

Time flies. Two years ago I wrote the first instalment of a piece of article named “Who are my heroes?”, and I thought I’d complete the other parts soon. That never happened — I completely forgot about that article, until when I’ve found a more meaningful subject I want to talk about lately — “my little airport”, a local indie band whose songs are filled with bold, often controversial, lyrics constrasted to some relaxing melodies. They’ve become my true hero lately.

“We have to be very strong / if we want to do something wrong / 我們終於去到了九龍塘 / 在城大旁的酒店爆房”
— 浪漫九龍塘

“我就這樣痛哭一場 / 在陌生女子懷內失常 / 你說我長得跟你舊愛很像 / 才令你突然這樣憂傷”
“由不相識再到交心一場 / 然後又回復正常 / 四十分鐘的關係似夢一樣 / 人生經歷總無常”
— 憂傷的嫖客

Thinking those lyrics are rather scandalous? I may have some OCD-trait for cleanliness or tidiness, but for music and the art, I think what’s bold and crazy yet resonating are the good ones.

Their music are not always about explicitness. Sometimes they talk about some trivial yet personal events in life, sometimes the sickening politics in Hong Kong, and sometimes, of course, about love and romance. Listening to their music offers an escape from the boring reality, where we’re often bound by taboos. Life sucks lately, and their presence makes my world, and hopefully yours, suck less.

“離婚的主因是結婚這不是亂講 / 一百年前已流傳西方”
— 你是浪子,別泊岸

“這一個下雨的夜晚 / 我躺在沙發矇曨間 / 收音機說北韓已射出導彈 / 地球另一邊被炸爛”
— 土瓜灣情歌

“一早都告訴你女人就是女人 / 你說不同地方的女人都是不同類人 / 直到你的外遇開始要求你離婚 / 你是否了解女人最終只想關係安穩?”
— 已婚男人