Two years ago I published a post called “Best quotes in 2015”. Let’s update that shit here in order to increase our word count as 2017 is coming to an end. And since I didn’t have such a post for 2016, why not putting shit said last year as well?
西方大愛左膠最愛嘅 unisex toilet,早已在香港的茶餐廳實現 — Aug 2017
想喺公立醫院住一人病房,住ICU咪得 — May 2017. Well I don’t know what are the policies at public hospitals, but I guess you can’t complain too much when you’re in one.
On second thought I’m not calling my son Pierre. I should call him James instead, so when he acts childishly, I can say “C’mon James, 可唔可以成熟少少?” — Feb 2017, when I saw bad-behaving kids at a restaurant.
Me: Perhaps you can show Isabel cartoons which promote friendship.
My sister: Is there any cartoon that doesn’t promote friendship?
— Nov 2017, me suggesting to my sister on how to boost my 3-year-old niece’s social skills.Had Beethoven not written anything when he composed, you wouldn’t have masterpieces to perform. — Mar 2016, when commenting on @HarryMak not jotting notes as we studied MFDS.
Expert opinion is also evidence-based, even though it’s just in the lowest level of the evidence-based hierarchy. — Mar 2016, also as I prepared for MFDS.