I won’t admit that I’m a geek, or a fanboy. I’m just a digital native who embraces new technologies faster than others, and appreciates great technology. What constitutes “great technology”? Those are technology that are advanced, unheard of, but at the same time easy to use, and beautifully crafted. That’s easier said than done. So far it seems only Apple has achieved that. But when others (even Samsung) come up with products like that, I’ll for sure welcome that without thought.
Anyway my stance in technology is not what I’d like to talk about today, though. I’m just pissed by tech lately. As I said in the last entry, new tech aren’t exciting these days. I thought about buying a budget Windows 8 tablet, so that I can install Photoshop on it and I can carry it to work and edit photos with ease. But on a second thought, I gave up that idea because budget tablets (and in Windows 8 terms tablets = full-fledged computers) mean compromised devices — slow, poor battery life, heavy, you name it. So I’d rather bring my old (6-year-old) Mac to office and do some serious stuff. How does it perform? Superbly.
Another thing that pissed me off was price of ram. Well, performance of my other Mac at home hit the bottleneck lately. I wanted to upgrade that to 16GB of ram, only to find that ram price had risen. I was looking at around $450/8GB a few months ago, but it cost $490 for one yesterday. WTF?
So, I’ve decided to wait, not for ram price to drop, but for a Mac instead. Yes, I’m so ready for a new Mac.