It’s Aug 1. Technically my life as a HKU student is officially over — my student ID has expired, I pay double hall fee for this month, … But there’s a saying that you’re not graduated until you get a job (no, there’s not), so let’s just think I’m a student enjoying my last days in university, and in hall (I’ll be leaving on 29/8).
In fact, I think I’ll really miss my days in this hall. Despite less participation in everything for the past two years, I still have strong emotional attachment to the values of this hall, the values I helped create and shape. When I tidy things up, I often look at the wide range of items I designed, and they did cover a lot of things — booklets, posters, web page, lanyard, booth, … I think when you meet a group of people who really share the same values as you do, you’ll be really motivated to do things and contribute to a community. That’s what I did before. That passion somehow vanished at some point in history, but at least I know that it existed.
Talking about what I treasure at this hall, apart from my amateur career in design, I must also mention the group of dental students. I love the way we supported each other. It was good to know that whenever you need help, help is there. I am most grateful for having senior mentors here, and so I extended this good tradition to the lower years, and met a group of great friends in that process. Sadly, with my leaving, as well as some fourth-years, this dental group may disintegrate soon. I hope that the remaining ones will not be too lonely.
Btw, one more album to share. Enjoy.