Counting down

2022 is coming to an end. It’s time for a quick summary. Or, this isn’t really a summary, but a recap, because there’s no content on this site to summarize in 2022.

At the start of 2022, the most amazing in tennis happened — Rafa won the Australian Open. He went on to win his 14th French title. Sure, tennis fans all enjoyed the joy of his victory. But every time Rafa wins a title, people are asking if it would be his last. As Rafa makes history, his day of retirement is on the countdown. Speaking of retirement, Roger announced his retirement three months ago. Before that, everyone thought he’s going to play professionally one last time. But he didn’t. So, again, you never know when’s the last time certain good things happen.

I’ve advanced to M3 in 2022, and only one more semester to go. So my MDS life is also counting down. My second last post was about MDS being a long vacation I’m enjoying. Sadly, with graduation approaching, works are beginning to pile up, making student life no longer a source of pleasure but pressure. An interesting fact I was reminded of is that this is my eighth year studying at HKU, making HKU to surpass LSC as the school I’ve been in the longest time. But right now, I really don’t want to stay any longer.

Another thing that I hope is on the countdown is Covid. Sure, many places around the world have resumed to normal, but not in HK. In fact, I doubt that HK will ever become “normal” again. But at least let’s hope that we don’t have to wear a mask, do PCR/RAT, lose our confidentiality, etc. all the time.

So, there you have it. A list of things to countdown: Rafa, MDS life, Covid, and 2022 itself. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Let’s not hope that this site is also on the countdown.

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