Long vacation

Long Vacation (1996) is undoubtedly one of the most celebrated Japanese dramas of all times.

In the series, a long vacation referred to the low tides in life. There are times when we lost focus. Day after day, we dutifully do meaningless, repetitive tasks, tasks that we don’t know what they’re for, what we can get out of them, and which certainly have no chance of doing anything good for society. We often question why we wish to continue; yet seldom do we have the motivation nor the guts to step up and change. The show maintained that it’s perfectly okay for us to get lost. We can enjoy such times and consider it a long vacation for ourselves. When the right time comes, we’ll know it, and finally step up and end this long vacation.

I haven’t updated my blog since May last year. What’s new? Well I’ve started a new chapter in life and went back to HKU to study. While this indeed put an end to my lost life I’ve lived for the past few years, I’m not sure if my previous life or this new life is a long vacation. Some may think studying full-time Mon-Fri and going to work on weekends is very demanding, I’d say this is nothing compared to working full-time and bearing all that stress. So this student life 2.0 could be another form of long vacation for me, a long vacation that doesn’t involve feeling lost. I know this vacation will one day end and I’ll return to work. But who knows? Maybe this time after my vacation ends, I’ll return to a regular life that I don’t feel lost, just like the characters did in Long Vacation the TV series.

Btw, this site has turned 18 today. Maybe it can finally show porn?

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