The end of an era, the Jobsian era

So, Apple announced that Jony Ive is leaving Apple. Many viewed this as the end of an era, given that Jony Ive contributed to so many iconic Apple designs throughout the years. But to me things are a little more complicated than that. Jony Ive’s departure signifies the end of Steve Jobs’ influence, eight years after his death.

You see, SJ himself was a visionary, a true giant. But Apple products have always been the result of the Jobs-Ive creative binary. You can’t tell which part of a product is Jony’s idea and which part is Steve’s, because they work so closely together and influence each other so much. Following SJ’s death I was still confident with Apple because I knew Jony Ive would carry on Steve Jobs’ legacy. His designs are ones that Steve would approve. But with Jony Ive no longer in charge, I’m not sure what changes would appear in future products, whether products would still be meticulously designed and built.

And his videos featuring his posh accent will surely be missed. No one can replace him in this area. If I’m to pick a favourite video among the many, I’d pick the 2009 iMac’s. The 2009’s iMac itself wasn’t very impressive, but I like how he told the story of the iMac evolution.

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