In retrospect (again)

Salad, penis and the world

[This article originally appeared in on March 10, 2011.]

“Free for dinner?” Texted Martin. “Sure,” I replied. “Thomas wants to have salad, any idea?” “Well, I still have a penis, so let’s pick a place where not all of us need to have salad.”

So on Wednesday night, three of us had 橋底辣蟹 for dinner. The crab wasn’t as spicy as expected, which made it marginally less than perfect. But the dinner itself was pleasant. During the dinner, I couldn’t help but talked something about social issues, which I usually prefer not to talk about with friends or on this blog. It’s just pointless to debate social issues with someone who holds different views than you. Nonetheless, the discussion I had with my friends was productive.

. . .

My emotional crisis strikes me again. I’ve tried to be optimistic, and it really worked for a couple of weeks. But now, my unrealistic fantasies come up to my mind again. Why is life filled with imperfections, unfulfilled dreams and endless turmoil? I really wish some of my fantasies can come true, so that I won’t have regrets when I look back.

Salad (tranquillity), penis (love) and the world (power), which is the most important to men? Power and love are more often talked about. But when one doesn’t get both power and love, it seems that a tranquil life can also be a good option. But please, if I were to live a tranquil life, salad would be fine for me. Just don’t give me congee.

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