12 Years

Today is a special day which, unfortunately, is easily forgotten: it’s the anniversary of this site, Anzyme.com. It’s so easily forgotton that I didn’t remember it until this morning. Yes, this site was deliberately chosen to be opened one day before V Day, so that for the lonely few, myself included, there’s something to celebrate.

12 years shouldn’t be a special occasion for great celebration, but since we’re Chinese (genetically), 12 is a magic number: a complete cycle of the Chinese zodiac. When Anzyme.com was first created in 2003 it was the Year of the Sheep, and we’ve come to another Year of the Sheep this year. What does that mean? Well on one hand, it could mark my perseverance. Anzyme.com is probably the most persistant thing I’ve done. If you know a little about human physiology, the huamn skeleton is replaced every 10 years (under normal bone turnover rate), so this site is comfortably older than my skeleton. On the other hand though, it could just mean I’ve done something recurrently without any meaningful achievement, just like most other events in my life.

OK, enough of crap. We all understand that the finest hours of my site is gone. To those who read this, meaning you still read this site, thank you. I may be living an average simple life, but I’ll try to be an average hero and add some spice to my life.

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