
August. It’s this time of the year again, when a hot boring summer comes which vaporizes any mood for doing anything. After I’m back from my trip to Japan, life becomes a tranquility again. It seems I need new excitement in life; however that’s an easy conclusion that is hard to achieve.

Work-wise July had been OK. I continue to do things that enrich lives, something I promised myself some time before. But how do I enrich my own life? After all, work can’t constitute a life completely. One has to play. I thought about getting new gadgets, but in this summer even gadgets get boring. E.g. MBA is just a modest update; rMBP has not yet been released; GX1’s successor GX7 has no real technological breakthrough (and I don’t have much chance to utilize a new camera, or lens, anyway). Yes, gadget is a second interest for me, but it just doesn’t excite me recently.

What about another trip? “I want to go on a trip on my own,” I said. “Cool, let’s go together,” said Thomas. So my friends and I suggested a weekend getaway to Taipei (again), but it seems it won’t materialize in the short term. Perhaps it’s time to really go on a trip on my own?

And then there’s my plan to learn driving. Yes, I’ll have the written test next Tues. But for some reason I just can’t concentrate to study. Well, who would fail that simple test? (Actually my DSA did..) But sadly I heard that it’ll take a while before you can take the road test, so I was advised not to start learning so fast. That means I’ll have to find ways to occupy my life in the meantime.

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