Trip to Tokyo, reorientation

As some of you know, I went on a trip to Tokyo. It’s a long-awaited trip — I’ve been picturing it since during my U-life. The reasons that it didn’t materialize are plentiful. Not having money is one; not having the right travel buddy is another. (What about travelling alone? That’s a good idea — more on that later.) In more recent terms, it’s also a trip I’ve longed for, because work is really tough lately that I badly need a trip to stop and refresh myself.

Going on a trip is really a good way to reorientate oneself. When you’re in a different city, and you really leave work behind, your mind is cleaned for having new thoughts. Thoughts that make you realize what’s really important.

In my trip, the no. 1 thought was that I should really learn driving when I come back to HK. Work is tough, but you get nice return if you work hard. The best way to reward yourself is upgrading quality of life. And driving a car will open up a whole new world of possibilities of the way I live.

Another thought, or to be precise, struggle, was whether I should take those exams. I’m more sided with the “NO” side. Taking those exams would only degrade my QoL.

Yes, QoL is the new keyword. My new direction is to live a life of quality. No more compromises, no more sacrifices.


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