Notes on tech, Populaire

It’s been another long time since I blogged. A lot have happened since then. Before I start, I have to apologize there wasn’t any entry in May. It has never happened in the history of this site that there’s a month without a single entry. Yes, I now rely less on this site to express my thoughts. Or more precisely, I now express less of my thoughts. No matter what, when I do, this site serves as my favourite platform.

The most important to all Apple users (not fans) during this period is WWDC. Well, I don’t usually comment on tech. I just enjoy good tech. And Apple, its iOS 7 and the Mac, just happen to be the kind of good tech that I enjoy.

Some new adopters usually find it difficult to adapt to Apple’s tech. The most frequently complained “problem”: it’s difficult to transfer files into an iPad. That’s not a problem of Apple; that’s a problem of dumb people, the same people who attribute most computer problems to viruses, while in fact those problems were creates by themselves. If you don’t play by Apple’s rules, and take advantage of the entire ecosystem, you will never appreciate the simplicity of Apple’s technology.

Steve Jobs used to say that Apple equals to “the intersection of technology and liberal arts”. Only when you make use of the whole ecosystem – not only hardware like the Mac and iPad, but also softwares inside, and seamless services like iCloud – will you truly benefit from the hardwares which are beautifully crafted. If you choose not to do that, maybe you choose resort to other compromised devices.

To me, WWDC 2013 is the most important WWDC of all. We’ve seen a whole new Apple, one that has transcended Steve Jobs’ vision. Just look at the new iOS 7. The look and feel is now totally different, and no one can’t say “Apple doesn’t innovate anymore” anymore. You may argue that it’s just the skin that’s different, but the functions remain the same. Well, when you change both the form and function together, you’ll create disasters like Windows Vista. For a smooth transition, you can only change one thing at a time, pretty much like when the iPod went colour.

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There’s a film I’ve watched recently – not only once, but twice – that I really love: Populaire. I’m not going into the details of this movie, because 1) I’m not a movie reviewer, 2) you need to experience art by yourself. My advice: if you want to live like a fxxking middle class, go watch it.

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