Half-full, half-empty

HNY! It’s 2013; the world didn’t end on Dec 21 2012, and so it’s time to move on and continue our long journey.

The thing is, life has really become rather stagnant in recent weeks. Work is nearly the same every day (except that we’ve reached the “peak season” for scaling), so is my leisure time. I’d really like to explore something new. Anything. So I’m considering joining some courses/start studying F.X.X.X.X.X and so on. They’re easier said than done, considering our long working hours.

But, hey, it’s new year, Kevin. We’re supposed to think positive. That reminds me of something we’ve long forgotten but was once a frequent guest in this blog – the half-full/-empty glass. This special glass has quite a history in this blog:

26/1/2009 — Actually, I have nothing to be congratulated, nor things to celebrate. I still remain the same – lonely and seeing a half-empty glass. And I’m afraid things will only get worse.

6/12/2009 — But none of these gives me the tiniest bit of satisfaction. I still see a half-empty glass of water.

8/3/2010 — Things have become a little complicated lately. You guys should know that I usually see a half-empty glass. But recently the glass turns completely empty.

2/5/2010 — The first thing was that I ordered a Grande Latte, but the latte was so foamy that “it was only actually half-full”, I thought. As soon as I said that in my mind, I realized something wasn’t as usual – I said “half-full”! I’ve been seeing a half-empty glass for years, and I just don’t know how on earth my attitude suddenly changed.. Anyway it’s a good thing.

31/7/2010 — If I look at this in the way I look at a half-full glass, I can remind myself that I just have to keep moving on. But the sad fact is that this, when translated into half-empty terms, means that it’s a dead end.

21/8/2010 — As a grown-up, I have, once again, grown up. The half-full glass is turning half-empty again. Let’s hope that things will just not get too worse.

10/9/2010 — …human relationships are so unpredictable… Look at this glass of water again. Is it half-empty or half-full? I’m not so sure anymore.

9/3/2011 — For a long period of time, I tended to believe that it’s half-empty. But for the past few months (probably after January exam), I tend to feel more positively again.

28/3/2011 — To conclude, while I enjoyed my visit to OP, I didn’t find it a cool experience going there alone. It’s just the better of two tragic options. Yes, this is me, one who always sees the half-empty glass of water, no matter how hard I try.

Alright, enough of that. This is the full story of the half-full/-empty glass in my site. It’s obvious there’re ups and downs in my life, isn’t it? The last time I mentioned this glass, it was half-empty. But a lot has happened in 2012. What really happened that has drawn me into the following conclusion remains a mystery, but I’d like to declare that I’m kind of a half-full guy now. Isn’t that something to celebrate?

Half empty

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