In retrospect (3)

Well, you know, I’m too lazy to blog these days. But I’d love to blog today, so less review some old entries. Two points to note: 1) I said this before — I hate Christmas, I hate September, I hate summer, … Reading this past entry made me realize that I hated a day in the week too — Tuesday. Luckily I don’t anymore. 2) I was really upset at times. I’m grateful that I’m not now.

November 30, 2010

Since the beginning of year 4, I’ve always hated Tuesdays. Full-day clinic means to test our patience to patients and tutors. The thing is, I’m seldom annoyed by DSAs. I’m more frequently annoyed by tutors though, because I expect more from them. And when I’m not backed up by my tutors, I’m upset. The problem is, this occurs very often in year 4.

My feeling was so bad today that I decided against going right back to hall after school (which I promised myself last night). Instead, I walked by myself purposelessly. I ended up going to the Central Piers, got a cup of Starbucks, got on the ferry and went to TST, where, again, I walked by myself purposelessly. At the end I went back to Central. Sadly, since I took the MTR on the way back, I was no way near to IFC and I could not get shanghai takeaway from Jadeā€¦ I had KFC, which sucked and upset me again. Well, I know I shouldn’t feel so upset. But I am.

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