March 01, 2025
Popularity index: 147652 K&C codename buddy
Well, everything comes with a reason. No, I didn't misspell diary because this is indeed not a diary. Why daily then? If you know a little bit more history of K&C, you'll probably know.
What if you don't? Well, let's look ahead and forget history.
Kevin Chan New iPad, more June 26, 2012
Well, I bought The New iPad today. (That's the official name given by Apple, isn't it?) I never thought I'd get one, because my iPad 2 is already performing so well. So what's new? Let me remind you of the facts of my iPad 2 first: white 32GB 3G. My new iPad? White 32GB 3G. So what's new? Basically I'd say only the retina display is new, because my iPad 2 is still fast, still got sufficient space, is white, … So only the retina display is new. That's why when it was released in March I never thought I'd get one, but would wait for the fourth gen instead. The turning point was the release of MBP with retina display. I set a new target - I'd "retinalize" my devices asap. Given that the new MBP is crazily expensive, I thought maybe the iPad is a good start especially when I've decided that I'd continue to read and read. As I hold one in hand now, I wouldn't regret. The retina display alone is a very good reason to switch to a new machine. The feeling as I switched from the original iPhone to the iPhone 4 recurred today. And that feeling is great.
Besides adopting the latest technology, I also decided to do something old school lately -- write some Chinese. The thing is, for a period of time I found that my competence in Chinese is deteriorating dangerously. Not only is my handwriting poor, but that occasionally I have absolutely no idea how to write a certain words. That's why I've decided I'd handwrite a short Chinese passage every day, which can help me improve both my handwriting and my vocabularies. This is sad, isn't it? A local student has to go back to square one and practice Chinese handwriting.. But for the sake of my future children, I guess this is a must.
Next, new (old) photos. Well, as I become less occupied lately I have time selecting the best shots taken in my elective trip and upload them. So here's the second day in Umea. (I know, it's really long long time ago.) May I?
Three weeks ago, I announced exam was over. I'm afraid that wasn't quite the truth. It was just the papers that ended; and we struggled for another 20 days to wait for this day. Yes, exam is finally over, and I can finally relax. Is there a chance that you'll fail? Hopefully not..
With the finishing of exam, I got to plan this holiday very seriously. I don't have any plan though. I just have several items that I want to buy. But then I think I shouldn't focus too much on materials. So I right now what I want to do is shortlist the things I want to buy, and prioritize them accordingly.
Job hunt? I don't konw.. Everyone says there's no chance we won't find a job, so I don't want to hurry.
What about this site? Has it finally come to a point we should do something? Maybe, we'll see.
Exam's over June 1, 2012
It's June. In the past it means an elevated level of anxiety, as exam would soon come. Things are a little bit different this year, with papers come one week earlier. It's still a long way till exam is really over, but life's significantly easier after the two written papers are over.
I actually feel a bit lost after the exams. I forgot what happened in the past years, but I haven't devoted my fullest efforts to this final final exam. I did study, but we generally have a feeling that there is no way we won't pass this exam. The difference is really whether we'll just "meet expectations" or is "above expectations". Which won't matter anyway because we'll get a job anyway, and how well we did in the exams won't matter what kind of job we get. (It's apparent what job we'll get, isn't it?)
So, it's time to think things. Stuff like how I'm going to spend this very last summer vacation, how I should prepare for work, and how I should spend my future life, both in the short term and in the long term. The future is always fascinating, and it's important that we continually upgrade ourselves and evolve, so that we don't always look back and miss the old days.
Or maybe I shouldn't worry too much. We stil have OSCA and VIVA, and JHDO interview. Yes, I've finally decided to give it a try. I may or may not succeed. But should I succeed, I hope I haven't made a wrong decision staying in PP.
PS There were (90820-89527) 1293 visits in May, or 41.7 visits per day. Thanks!